Revisión periódica con Llanogas

What is a periodic review?

The safety of your home and your family is a priority for Llanogas. Your internal installation of natural gas and gas appliances need to be checked periodically to protect your life and that of your loved ones from the dangerous effects of carbon monoxide.

For this reason, Llanogas has implemented Periodic Reviews, a process decreed by the National Government, through which the good condition of your internal natural gas facilities is verified every five years. The Periodic Review process must be carried out in Residential, Commercial and Industrial Installations.

The Energy and Gas Regulation Commission -CREG, issued Resolution 059 of 2012, which establishes a minimum term and a maximum term to carry out the Periodic Review.

In turn, the Ministry of Mines and Energy issued a regulation through which it is established who will be responsible for carrying out said procedure, as well as the responsibilities and rights of the distributors and users (Resolution 90 902 of October 24, 2013).

What is the Minimum Term and the Maximum Term?

Step by step of the Periodic Review

Paso a paso

Periodic Review Price

Below we show you the prices to certify your installation


Request or reschedule your Periodic Review

Aquí tienes el beneficio de pedir tu visita sin salir de casa.

¿Por qué se suspende el servicio?

Según la Resolución CREG 059 de 2012, el distribuidor, en este caso Llanogas S.A. E.S.P. podrá suspender  o descontinuar el servicio, previa notificación escrita al usuario, en los siguientes casos:

  • Suspensión por vencimiento de plazo máximo
  • Suspensión por defecto crítico

Tips and safety

Paso a paso