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Llanogas obtained from the Superintendency of Public Services and Andesco, recognition for Best Practices in User Service, in the category Communication channels in areas of difficult access - Medium provider, for the initiative "EcoFES, for my client and the environment - Eco-mailboxes + Billing on site", in the month of November 2019.
With great pride we share with you that Llanogas S.A. E.S.P. BIC was one of the 3 finalist organizations within the category of Public Services and ICT Companies for the Energy Efficiency Award, led by the Ministry of Mines, Andes, Findeter and the UPME Energy Mining Planning Unit, with our Cogeneration project through which power is provided at our administrative headquarters.
Due to its business leadership and trajectory in its 25 years of management, President Juan Manuel Santos awarded Llanogas a recognition during the opening of the Naturgas Congress, on March 28, 2013 in the city of Cartagena.
In the presence of nearly 900 delegates from the gas union who met in the fifteenth version of the Congress, President Santos praised the work of the company and its contribution to the progress of the eastern plains region.
Llanogas has brought energy to homes and businesses through the widespread use of natural gas in 25 municipalities in Meta, Guaviare and eastern Cundinamarca.
The award was received by Dr. Giovanna Gómez Castañeda, Manager of Llanogas, from President Santos and Eduardo Pizano, President of Naturgas.