Environmental management

Environmental management

We are a company committed to the care and preservation of the environment, oriented to the continuous improvement of environmental performance, integrating environmental criteria in all our processes and business areas.

We express our commitment to the environment through the responsible use of natural resources and the voluntary compensation of our carbon footprint.

CO2 bench

We actively participate in this environmental strategy to face climate change. Through BanCO2, companies, institutions and citizens voluntarily offset their carbon footprint to promote the conservation of strategic ecosystems at the national level.

The beneficiaries are the allied peasant families who care for the region's forests and receive payment for their environmental services.

Llanogas joined this initiative in 2016 with the adoption of three (3) beneficiary families and a total of 8.73 hectares of forest. As a result, 1129.98 Ton CO2 have been compensated, assuming that the forest patch will remain constant.

Environmental Programs

One of our greatest interests in Llanogas is to promote and strengthen the environmental culture at the business level, for this reason we develop Environmental Programs that are mainly oriented to:

  • Saving and efficient use of water.
  • Saving and efficient use of energy.
  • Comprehensive management of solid waste: Usable, non-usable and dangerous.

Thanks to the implementation of these Environmental Programs, we have made a significant contribution to the environment together with our collaborators, who contribute to the efficient use of resources in the development of our operations.

Celebration Environmental Dates

We strengthen our environmental culture by commemorating the environmental dates established at a national and global level and that generate a greater impact among our collaborators, through allusive activities.

  • World Water Day: March 22
  • International Earth Day: April 22
  • International Recycling Day: May 17
  • International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer: September 16
  • National Arbor Day: April 29
  • World Energy Saving Day: October 21