Step by step procedures
Here you will find some short explanatory videos so you can learn how to use our office virtual, easy, fast and secure.
This is the first step to use our virtual channels, create your account and password with which you can carry out your procedures on our web portal.
With only your user code you can access the duplicate of your invoice.
Include the name of your municipality and sector to obtain this data from the service.
You can have your gas bill month by month in your email
Check with the payment points of your choice, you will locate the closest place for you
With your user account and password you can register your requests, petitions, complaints or claims. You can also upload the files that support your request. easy, fast, safe and without leaving home.
Check your minimum and maximum dates to make your RP, as well as the availability of Appointments for your schedule.
Fill in the form fields to make your gas leak report.
File your requests for after-sales services through our virtual office, no need to leave home.